Weyakwin Lake Cottage Owners Association (WCOA)

​​​​​​​​​​Weyakwin Cottage Owners Association (WCOA)


  • The WCOA is the original Cottage Owners Association established in Ramsey Bay / Weyakwin Lake on November 18, 1980
  • Being a member of the WCOA means that you are part of an association that has interest in the subdivision of Ramsey Bay, which include, cabin owners, visitors, infostructure, and the land.
  • Memberships are $20/cabin and are paid yearly. You may e-transfer, mail, or pay in person (info below)
  • As a member you are invited to the AGM's. You may have questions, want to voice concerns, or have new ideas!
  • The WCOA holds the lease for the recreational hall and the property it is on. The WCOA makes decisions regarding the hall (such as Maintenace and usage). Regular fundraisers take place through the year which directly help to maintain the hall for the cabin owners. Besides funding the hall, fundraisers are beneficial to help fund many other things, such as, the first responders and equipment, hosting events at the lake, Ramsey Bay days...
  • ​If you are interested in joining the WCOA on the board, please inquire as we are always looking for interested individuals.
  • Positions to fill immediately: Treasurer and member at large

Current Executive Positions

President Larry Mills

Vice President Wendy Mills

Treasurer Michelle Damen t/ Carolyn Yule

Secretary Tara Spencer

Member at large Sean Kuppenbender

Member at large Linda Bender

SEC chair Lindsay Kuppenbender

Social Events Committee (SEC)

  • The WCOA formed a subcommittee (SEC) in order to have a dedicated group of volunteers interested in planning the summer events.
  • Summer events are funded by the WCOA, sponsors, and fundraising.
  • Events are free to attend, unless otherwise posted to cover costs.
  • New volunteers welcome all of the time! 

      - Looking for volunteers to join the committee year round

      - Individuals to help during particular activities (sign up sheets)

      - Individuals to lead a particular activities (such as: kids games, corn hole, horseshoes, other)

Current SEC members

Lindsay Kuppenbender

Kasia Robinson

Tara Spencer

Tracey Mathieu

Michelle Mathieu